Sunday, 22 March 2015

Perfectly Imperfect

Our world today is filled with people who wish to be perfect. We all strive  for one goal - perfection; but we very so often forget to stop and think how boring life would be if everyone and everything was perfect. There would be no unique and talented people to help bring change in our lives. Everything would be planned and life would be exactly the same for everyone. The joy of variety would be lost and it would be like we are living a game where there's only one number on the dice, where every move is already perceived. 

It's not perfection that we should be rooting for, but happiness. Someone once said that "Happiness is most often mistaken for the temporary fulfillment of one's desire, and desires never truly die." If we realize that desires don't really matter, but that we already have what we really 
need, then one would truly find happiness.

In a life where everything can be bought with just a click of a button, happiness seems miles away from us. I am not perfect and neither are you, nor is the person beside you. Learning to love yourself for everything that you are today and not wishing for a different you tomorrow could be your answer to life. I maybe short, I may not have the perfect figure and I maybe terrified of spiders, but, I am happy with who I am today because I am a writer, an artist, a singer and I am creative; I am perfectly imperfect in my own happy way. 

- Deveney Abilene Roberts

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